Sherman Hall HVAC Service at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Image source: Google Maps
CLIENT: The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
PROJECT: Sherman Hall Duct Cleaning and Filter Changeouts
LOCATION: 909 S 5th St. Champaign, IL
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamapign (UIUC) contacted Autumn Construction to perform univent cleaning and filter changeouts at the student residency, Sherman Hall.
A univent, or a unit ventilator, is designed to draw through fresh air from outdoors. Old univents need to be cleaned in order to perform effectively, and filter changeouts should take place routinely.
Sherman Hall is a graduate student housing facility. It consists of two residence towers. The first tower is 5 stories and the second tower is 13 stories. Autumn performed the filter changes and cleaned the univents for the entire 5-story building and for 5 of the 13 floors of the second building. Autumn also contracted Peerless Cleaning and Restoration Services to clean all of the exhaust ducts located in the student bathrooms throughout both towers of Sherman Hall.