Heating Systems Upgrade at CPS Manierre Elementary School

Photo Source: Homes.com
OWNER: City of Chicago, Chicago Public Schools (CPS)
CLIENT: Tyler Lane Construction Company
PROJECT: George Manierre Elementary School
COMPLETION: September 2024
Autumn Construction Services has been awarded the mechanical work for upgrading the heating system at CPS George Manierre Elementary School. The scope of this project involves removing the existing steam system that currently feeds heating units in the classrooms. A new heating hot water system, complete with heat exchangers and pumps, will be installed in the basement mechanical room to provide heat to the new classroom unit ventilators. Additionally, new air-handling equipment will be added to provide ventilation and heating to both classrooms and common building areas. Other tasks within the project scope include HVAC ductwork, variable frequency drive upgrades, water treatment systems, temperature controls, and systems balancing. This fast-paced project is scheduled to be executed during the summer of 2024 construction season. We are thrilled to be part of this project led by Tyler Lane Construction Company.