Cook County Courthouses Energy Upgrades

OWNER: Cook County Government
CLIENT: Cook County Department of Capital Planning
PROJECT: Cook County Bridgeview Courthouse Energy Efficiency Upgrades and Cook County Rolling Meadows Courthouse Energy Efficiency Upgrades - Job Order Contract (JOC)
LOCATION: Bridgeview, IL, and Rolling Meadows, IL
The Rolling Meadows and Bridgeview Courthouses were built in the 1980s. Parts of the existing systems have outdated equipment with pneumatic controls, that today are much less efficient for operation and systems maintenance. An independent energy efficiency assessment was conducted by Cook County to identify systems and components requiring replacements and upgrades that would result in energy conservation and cost savings over the life of the equipment. This project was completed under the Countywide Job Order Contract (JOC) Program contract between Cook County and Autumn. Autumn prepared design documents and implemented the replacements and upgrades in the field. Cook County Department of Facility Management (DFM) electrical staff performed the electrical installation for the project.
At each Courthouse, the projects included the replacement of (6) base mounted pumps and piping for heating hot water, chilled water and condenser water systems. Variable speed drives were provided for each pump to allow for energy-efficient operation of the water systems.
Additional energy upgrades to replace old technology variable speed drives on (13) air handling unit system fans at Rolling Meadows Courthouse and (7) air handling unit system fans at Bridgeview Courthouse was also completed.
Autumn worked closely with the Cook County Department of Facility Management (DFM) to coordinate and complete these projects during the first quarter of 2021.